Living in a group is what humans have always done, we are herd animals. The current system or paradigm has created a situation where a lot of people now live alone. Recreating a community environment is one piece of the picture of repair needed to bring happiness and balance to our world.

Bindarrabi Community

Peace Valley is part of Bindarrabi, a newly developing ecovillage. Bindarrabi has been set up using the legal structure of a rural landshare development. In this way the land is held in safety for future generations. There are approximately 200 acres for human use and 600 for nature. It is an inholding within Koreelah Naational Park and bordered on one side by Koreelah Creek. There are multiple remnant ecosystems on the land including cloud forest, hoop pine forest, eucalyptus forest and grassland.

Weekly Sharing Circle

Participation in a sharing circle is one of the ways of building trust in a group of people, building a bond which respects diversity and honours each member for exactly who they are. Parameters for the circle are based on those of 'The Way of Circle' used in many indigenous cultures worldwide. 

Living in Community

Living in an intentional community, ecovillage or co-housing project are all considered to be ways of rebuilding a sense of family in our lives, like rebuilding an extended family. A lot of people in cultures based on mechanistic, separatist and consumptive ideas have lost their sense of 'Home' and 'Community' this is one of the many divides needing restoration today. GAIA Education and the Ecovillage Network support the growth of local resilience through building new community models.